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Freight transport steadily increases in number and volume and so do transportation routes by plane, road and rail. Our transport & logistic division is engaged in the development, lease and exploitation of logistic hubs at major traffic junctions worldwide.

Logistic hubs provided by rannacher.com might include:
- Central Warehouses / Center of Distribution
- Distributed Logistic Sites in a countrywide, multi-location logistic network
- Multi-modal Logistic Hubs
- Reloading Points and transshipment Points
- Container Handling Facilities
- Logistic Terminals

You are looking for a logistic site yourself?
>> Let our expert analyze your needs in detail and prepare the most suitable offers.

You want to participate as investor and/or co-developer in one of our projects?
>> Get in touch with our development team and inform you about the last recent projects and locations.

Recent reference projects

>> RUSSE Logistic Center II - Russe, Bulgaria

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